NB Online reporting is only suitable for schools with an MIS sync to Classroom Monitor. This is because all parent information needs to be on the system and there is no way to import this. The manual process involves adding parents one by one so is only suitable if your school is small.

You must be logged in as Admin to set up Reporting Sessions in Classroom Monitor.

When all of your 
parent accounts are setup in Classroom Monitor, you will need to set up a 'Reporting Session' in order to share information with parents. Depending on your needs, reporting Sessions can be set up for individuals, groups of children or the whole school at once and you can choose any time of the year to create them.

Create an online reporting session

1. Login as admin
2. Open the Reporting Sessions menu and click on Reporting Sessions.

The "Reporting Management" screen lists existing reporting sessions and their current status. At the top, there is a search for you to be able to filter these should you need to do so.

3a) To edit an existing reporting session, you should click on the blue 'Edit' button at the end of the row.

3b) To create a new reporting session, you should click the green 'Create A New Session' button at the bottom of the screen.

Specify content for an online reporting session

You will go through the following steps to create an online report.

  • Step 1: Add Session Details
  • Step 2: Add Welcome Message
  • Step 3: Select Parents
  • Step 4: Write Welcome Email
  • Step 5: Set Markbook Assessment Settings
  • Step 6: Include Evidence & Resources
  • Step 7: Select Reporting Templates
  • Step 8: Set Attainment & Progress Settings (for sharing current/historic scores)
  • Step 9: Select Additional Grades
  • Step 10: Select School Colours & Logo
  • Step 11: Invite Parents

More detail on each of these steps is given below. Many of the steps are optional and you can choose to simply not include the ones that you do not require by clicking on the dropdown on the relevant page. 

Step 1: Add Session Details

Session Name: This is the name that will be displayed to parents so should be specific and meaningful.

Academic Year: This will default to the current academic year but you can choose previous ones if necessary.

Reporting Type: In this dropdown you can choose between online or written reports. Remember that an online reporting session can be set to include a written report.

To work through each stage of creating the reporting session, you should use the 'Next Step' button in the bottom right hand corner. You will also find 'Exit without Saving' and 'Previous Step' buttons where appropriate. 

NB You should try and complete the creation of the session in one go as it is not possible to save until you reach the end of the process.

Step 2: Add Welcome Message

This screen enables you to edit the message that each parent will see when they login to this online reporting session. You can write any text that you like in here, but it should be general to apply to all of the parents who will be using this reporting session.

Any text {in curly brackets} is coding that will be used to personalise the message with parent name, school name or pupil name. You can remove this code if you wish. If you want to add code anywhere, place your cursor at the relevant place in the text and press the relevant turquoise button.

Step 3: Select Parents

On this screen you can select the parents that are included in the online reporting session by clicking on the tickbox next to their name. To select all of the listed parents, you can click the blue 'All' button at the top of the tickbox column.

You can see that a parent may be listed a number of times- once for each child. You can choose to select them for all of their children or for only one of their children.

All parents in the school will be listed. If you are only creating this reporting session for a subset of parents then you can use the search box at the top of the page. There are a number of fields that you can use for searching including 'Year Group' on the right hand side.

Step 4: Write Welcome Email

On this screen, you can edit the welcome email that will be sent to parents. It gives them the details that they will need to activate their account and allow them to access the online reporting session.

This works in a similar way to the Welcome Message screen in that the coding in curly brackets is used to personalise the email.

Step 5: Set Markbook Assessment Settings

On this screen you will choose the curriculum(s), subject(s) and timeframe of the markbook assessments that will be used in the session.

At the top, you will see a dropdown menu which currently says 'Include in Reporting Session'. If you do not want to include markbook assessments in this online reporting session, you should specify this here.

Select Curriculum(s): You should select one or more curriculums to reflect the assessments that you want to use by ticking in the relevant boxes.

Select Subject(s): Once you have selected your curriculum(s), subjects will appear. You can tick in the relevant boxes to select them.

Markbook Assessment Timeframe: This allows you to specify the Start Date and End Date for the markbook assessments that will be used. Only assessments that were recorded during the dates selected will be shown in the online reporting session. You also have an option to click the 'End of Year' button if you want to the online report to always show the most up to date information. If you pick a specific end date, then any assessments made after this date will not be shown.

Select Assessment Ranges: As you know, within the markbooks assessment is recorded for each child against each objective as red, yellow, green and, in some frameworks, blue. In this area, you can specify the maximum numbers of each type of assessment that you want to be included; if a child has fewer assessments then those specified then all of their assessments at that category in the timeframe will be shown. The default is for 3 Targets (reds), 3 Almost (yellows), 5 Met (greens) and 5 Exceeding (blues). This will always show the most recent assessments up to the end date specified e.g. using the default, if a child had 8 yellows within the timeframe specified then the 3 most recently clicked would be used. It is also possible to specify a maximum number as All, if you want all recorded assessments to appear, or 0 if you don't want this category of assessment to appear in the online report at all.

Step 6: Include Evidence & Resources

On this screen you specify whether not you want to include evidence of learning and/or learning resources in the online reporting session. Again, you can choose from the 'Include in Reporting Session' dropdown to specify whether you want any evidence and resources including then tick and untick the options you require.

You can choose to include evidence recorded in the markbooks by ticking the box next to 'Evidence'. You can then choose to include all evidence recorded in the time period or only evidence related to the assessments that are being shared.

If you choose to include learning resources, this will only include resources saved in the markbooks that have been tagged as learning (rather than teaching) resources for objectives that are being included in the reporting session.

Step 7: Select Reporting Templates

This screen concerns written reports. It allows you to select the options for any written reports that you would like to be included in this reporting session. Again, you can choose from the 'Include in Reporting Session' dropdown to specify whether you want any written reports including then select the options you require.

Step 8: Set Attainment & Progress Settings

This screen allows you to select the options for any overall scores from the Attainment and Progress module that you would like to be included in this reporting session. Again, you can choose from the 'Include in Reporting Session' dropdown to specify whether you want any overall scores including. You will then need to select your curriculum(s), subject(s) and timeframe for the data to be shown.

Step 9: Select Additional Grades

This screen allows you to select any additional grades that you would like to be included in this reporting session. Again, you can choose from the 'Include in Reporting Session' dropdown to specify whether you want any additional grades including, then select the additional grades that you want to include.

Step 10: Select School Colours & Logo

This screen allows you to alter the appearance of your online reporting to fit with any school branding or colour preferences. A school logo can also be uploaded on this screen if you choose.

Step 11: Invite Parents

On this screen, all of the parents previously specified for this online reporting session will be listed.

To preview the contents of the online reporting session for any of the parents, you can click on the 'Preview' button in their row.

When you are ready to invite parents to view the online report, you should tick the box(es) next to their name(s). The 'All' button can be used to select multiple parents.

NB It is possible to create the session without any parents being selected. If you do this, they will have to be invited at a later point by editing the session.

When you press the 'Create Session' button, you will see a pop up window asking you to confirm that you want to create the session and send the invite.

Once you have confirmed, an email containing the information from Step 4 will be sent to the parents’ email addresses. As well as the text, the email also contains a link unique to each parent. Clicking this link verifies the parent has received the invite to access the online reports (parents cannot login until they have clicked the link and been verified). This will take them to the parents' login.

NB If attendance information exists for the pupil in Classroom Monitor (usually through MIS sync) then it will be shown as a graph in the online report. There is currently no way to exclude this information. If there is no attendance data in Classroom Monitor, then this section will not show.

Related Links:
Content of Online Reports
Managing Parent Accounts
Parental Access