You can also access our video guide to loading a markbook

Accessing The Markbook Menu

On the homepage, you will need to click the link above the coloured hexagons to access the new markbook.

NB The Class and Pupil Markbooks are still accessible via the Assessment Markbooks hexagon at the moment. You can enter and view data via any version of the markbook.

Clicking the link will take you to the markbook screen with the markbook menu sidebar opened ready for you to make your selections and load a markbook.

Markbook Menu Selections

You must select:

  • Group: Click to select one or more groups to view in the markbook
  • Curriculum: Select the assessment framework that you want to view subjects from
  • Subject: Click to select one or more subjects to view in the markbook

Pressing, 'Load Markbook' here would load up all ability levels and all strands for the selected subject(s). To keep the markbook manageable, we would recommend that you select only the ability level(s) and strand(s) that you require at this point in time.

  • Ability: Select one or more ability levels that you want to view (if you don't make this selection, you will be shown all ability levels for the selected subject(s))
  • Strands: Select one or more strands to view in the markbook. (if you don't make this selection, you will be shown all strands for the selected subject(s))

Then, click the green 'Load Markbook' button.

When you next come to load a markbook, these selections will be saved. This means that you can load exactly the same markbook again or add or remove selections (by clicking crosses).

Markbook Appearance

Your markbook will load with objectives down the left and pupils across the top.

Each pupil has a tile for each objective.

NB if your selections result in more than 25 objectives, you will need to press the 'Load Additional objectives' button when you get to the bottom. 

The markbook control bar is shown at the top to allow you to switch between modes depending on your task.

Markbook Modes

There are different markbook modes that you can select to match your task. The actions that you can apply to selected tiles depends on the mode that you are in.

There are 3 markbook modes:

  • Assessment: For recording and viewing assessment
  • Evidence: For recording and viewing evidence
  • Reporting: For reporting using assessments in the markbook

Select the mode that you require using the buttons in the control bar at the top.

Tile Selection

Each pupil has a tile for each objective. Tiles can be selected by clicking them. To select multiple tiles you can:

  • click more than one tile to add it to your selection before choosing an action
  • click on an objective to select tiles for that objective for all of the displayed pupils
  • click on a pupil to select tiles for that pupil for all of the displayed objectives

A red box will appear around tiles that you have selected. To clear a selection, you can use the 'Clear Selections' button in the top left.

Ordering the markbook

At the bottom of the menu selection, you have options to reorder pupils and/or objectives in your markbook. You will need to click 'Show ordering options' to access them.

There is a menu for ordering pupils and one for ordering objectives. The defaults are to sort pupils by surname and objectives by the ability level they belong to. You can change one or both, and whichever option you select, you can choose to order Ascending or Descending.

You can reorder your pupils by:
  • Surname: alphabetical
  • First name: alphabetical
  • Age
  • Attainment: uses each pupil’s attainment of displayed objectives, good for identifying pupils with similar needs

You can order the objectives by

  • Ability: group objectives from the same ability level together
  • Strand: group objectives from the same strand together
  • Subject: group objectives from the same subject together
  • Attainment: order subjects in terms of how well they have been achieved by the selected pupils

You can also access our video guide to loading a markbook 

Related Links:
The markbook
Markbook: Assessment Mode
Markbook: Evidence Mode
Markbook: Reporting Mode
FAQ: The Markbook
Class Markbook help pages (legacy version)
Pupil Markbook help pages