You must be logged in as a teacher/SLT member to access the Attainment and Progress areas in Classroom Monitor. This page assumes that you are already familiar with the basic function of the Attainment and Progress area.
The Analysis Filters are designed so that you can filter the pupils displayed in your table or graph using four key measures: Attendance, Attainment, Progress and 'On Track'.
Filtering by these key measures allows you to identify:
- Slow and fast movers
- High and low attainers
- High and low attendees
- Pupils above or falling behind their academic targets
Things become even more powerful when combinations of these filters are applied to combinations of subjects. For example, you might want to find the:
- Pupils with less than 85% attendance who working below their targets in more than one subject
- Pupils with low attainment in a subject who have made good progress this year
- Pupils with high attainment in a subject who have not made good progress this year
To access the Analysis filters, you will first need to load a table with the pupils, subjects and timeframe that you want them to be selected from. The Analysis Filters button will appear in the middle section to allow you to filter the selection.
Each of the types of filter can be used individually or if you use more than one filter it will apply an 'AND' logic. Once you are happy with your selections, you will need to press 'Generate table' in order to apply them. You can save this as a permanent group for tracking by pressing the 'Create Group' button. When you have finished and want to move onto another filter, you should press the 'Clear Filters' button in the Analysis filters area.
More detail on each of the Analysis Filters is given below:
Filter Attendance: This is a slider which allows you to select pupils based on a particular range of attendance. You can move the points circled in green to create your range from 0-100% over the current academic year.
Filter Progress: This is a slider which allows you to select pupils based on a particular range of progress in points (the meaning of the points will depend on your assessment framework). You can move the points circled in red to create your range from -40 points to 40 points over the whole timeframe selected.
Once your progress range has been set, you will need to tick in the box(es) below the slider to select one or more subjects to apply the filter to. When applied to more than one subject, pupils will only remain on the table if they have made the selected progress in all subjects selected.
Filter Attainment: This filter allows you to select pupils based on their attainment scores on the most recent date that you selected in timeframe. When you click in the text box, you will see all of the available scores that you can filter by.
You can click on one or more attainment scores to include them in your filter. You will then need to tick in the box to select one or more subjects to apply the filter to. When applied to more than one subject, pupils will only remain on the table if they have attained the selected levels in all subjects selected. In the example shown here, I have filtered so I see all of the pupils who are working at any of the scores in Stage 3 in Reading AND Writing AND Maths.
On Track Filter: This filter allows you to select pupils based on whether they are currently below, on or above track to reach their target in the selected subject(s). This filter will only show if you apply a target before you click on the Analysis Filters button.
You can click on one or more of Pupils Above Target, Pupils on Target and Pupils below Target. You will then need to tick in the box to select one or more subjects to apply the filter to. When applied to more than one subject, pupils will only remain on the table if they have attained the selected levels in all subjects selected. In the example shown here, I have filtered so I see all of the pupils who are working below target in Reading AND Writing AND Maths.
Related Links:
Advanced Pupil Selection
Comparing groups
Creating groups in Attainment and Progress