Curriculum customisation is available to all schools on a subscription basis. To customise an existing framework you will need to be logged in as the school admin user. 

These instructions are for adding subjects that are only to be used in the Attainment and Progress area.

These might be used for:

  • Recording scores in specific mark ranges for entering particular test data (e.g. PUMA, PIRA, Progress in English, spelling tests, standardised tests)
  • Recording manual judgements based on teacher assessment data e.g. below track, on track, above track
  • Recording other forms of assessment e.g. EAL codes
  • Tracking other aspects of learning e.g. book bands

Step 1: Create the curriculum and subject(s)

1. Login as the admin user

2. Select Customisation > Customise Classroom Monitor for your School > Customise School Curriculum.
NB If you do not see this option, the curriculum customisation tool is not yet activated in your account. This may already be included in your subscription or available for a small additional charge. Please contact us to find out more.

3. Press the green 'Create New' button in the bottom right hand corner. 


4. Pop up asks whether you want to create a new subject or create a new curriculum and then subjects. Select new curriculum and then subjects.

5. Enter a name for the curriculum e.g. summative judgements, test scores, additional tracking etc.

6. Press 'Create Curriculum'



7. You will see a blank subject details page similar to the one shown on the left.

8. Enter subject name e.g. maths judgement, reading test, EAL codes, PUMA

9. Press the 'Create subject' button in the bottom right hand corner.

10. From the pop-up:
- Click 'Yes, Create' if you are only adding one subject
- Click 'Create & Add Another' if you are adding more than one subject then repeat 7-9.

Step 2: Choose data that can be entered for the subject(s)

1. Once you have created you subject, you should click the blue 'Add Abilities' button in the bottom right hand corner. This will take you to the 'Abilities' screen.


2. Set what can be recorded in the subject.

Option A: Add a mark range to record test scores.

  • Select "CM Levels: Mark Ranges from the Scoring Method/Grouping dropdown.
  • Select the mark range that you want to use by ticking in the relevant box.
  • Click the 'Add Abilities' button in the bottom right hand corner.

Option B: Add pre-existing labels to give users the option of entering scores for this subject that already exist in Classroom Monitor. 

  • Select an existing scoring scheme from the Scoring Method/Grouping dropdown.
  • Tick the boxes next to the scores that you want to use
  • Click the 'Add Abilities' button in the bottom right hand corner.

Option C: Create bespoke labels to specify the particular options that you want teachers to use when entering data

Follow the instructions on the building levels page.

3. When you press 'Add Abilities', you will select:

  • This subject only
  • All subjects in this curriculum
  • All related parent/children

4. You can edit the abilities if you need to do so by following the instructions on this help page

Step 3: Enter data

Your subject will now be available in the pupil tracking area for recording data or importing via the test importer.