What is Discovery RE?

Discovery RE is a comprehensive set of detailed medium-term planning for Religious Education for 3-11 year-olds. 59 Enquiry modules (each with 6 lessons) covering Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism support the teacher to deliver engaging and challenging RE lessons with confidence. Christianity is taught in every year group, with Christmas and Easter given fresh treatment each year, developing children’s learning in a progressive way. Discovery RE’s assessment system allows teachers to easily assess and track pupil progress.

Discovery RE also contains mapping documents that demonstrate how the scheme fully supports SMSC, British Values, the requirements of locally agreed syllabi and Understanding Christianity. The Discovery RE assessment statements are available in Classroom Monitor for schools who use the scheme.

For more information about purchasing the Discovery RE scheme of work, please visit the Discovery RE website or call +44 (0)1202 377192.

How does the framework appear in Classroom Monitor?

The Discovery RE framework is accessible via the online markbook or the Classroom Monitor app. There is a single subject, Discovery RE, which contains assessment statements for the scheme of work for Year 1-6. Teachers can view and assess objectives for single or multiple year groups at a time.

Teachers can assess pupils against the Green, Red and Blue statements for each unit. A traffic light system is in place so that teachers can record whether individuals are Working Towards, Working At or Working Beyond for each statement.

So that you can make accurate judgements, guidance is available when you hover your cursor over a statement.

You can use the markbook to record pupil attainment during the course of the year. This can inform planning and subject development.

Attainment and Progress data

As assessment judgements are recorded in the markbooks they are automatically saved. These are then used to calculate a score for each pupil in the subject. These scores can be viewed and analysed in the Attainment and Progress module. Individual pupils will be given a percentage score which indicates their progress through a particular year group. This is generated based on the assessment judgements recorded in the markbook, taking into a count the different weightings assigned to each colour. The default terminology and weightings are shown in the image below. 

*Schools can customise terminology and weightings as required. Please read these pages on customising Classroom Monitor to find out more about these options and the impact they will have. 

In the Discovery RE framework, scores are displayed as a percentage of the highest ability level that a pupil has weighted assessment judgements recorded in. For example, a pupil's score may be shown as 32% of Year 4.

To calculate the overall score, Classroom Monitor checks the total number of statements within the relevant ability level, checks how many statements are set at each of the assessment judgements colours, and then uses the respective weightings to calculate the overall percentage coverage of the content within that markbook.


If there were 21 statements in a Year 3 subject and a pupil had:

  • 4 green ‘WB' judgements each weighted 1
  • 13 yellow ‘WA’ judgements weighted 0.8
  • 1 red ‘WT’ judgements weighted 0.3
  • 3 statements 'unassessed' weighted 0. 

And no judgements above Year 3.

(4 x 1) + (13 x 0.8) + (1 x 0.3) + (3 x 0) / 21 = 0.344 = 70% of Year 3

Please note that the Discovery RE framework contains optional units. To offer full flexibility to customers these have all been included. If there are units that you don't want to see in your markbooks or to be included in your percentage calculations, you will need to make the relevant objectives inactive via the customisation tool.


This framework is only available to validated Discovery RE customers. Please log a support ticket if you would like to request activation of this framework.