This frameworks contains the P-Scales that were published alongside National Curriculum 2000. The English Department of Education have stated that P1-4 should be used to report end of key stage teacher assessment judgements for pupils not engaged in subjects specific study for the academic year 18/19. Any student engaged in subject-specific study should be assessed using the Statutory Teacher Assessment Frameworks 1819.
Subject Coverage and Structure
All National Curriculum subjects are covered. Statements are available for P1-P8.
Default markbook Terminology and Weightings
Both the markbook and app use a traffic light system to enable recording of each pupil's level of attainment of each statement. Each colour carries a different meaning and each carries a different weighting forward to the calculation of the pupil's score for the subject. The default terminology and weighting for the P-Scales (NC2000) framework is shown in the image below.
*Schools can customise terminology and weightings as required. Please read these pages on customising Classroom Monitor to find out more about these options and the impact they will have.
Calculating a score
As assessment judgements recorded in the markbooks are automatically saved. These are then used to calculate a score for each pupil in the subject. These scores can be viewed and analysed in the Attainment and Progress module.
In the Functional Skills 2018 framework, scores are displayed as a percentage of the highest ability level that a pupil has weighted assessment judgements recorded in. For example, a pupil's score may be shown as 32% of Level 1.
To calculate the overall score, Classroom Monitor checks the total number of statements within the relevant ability level, checks how many statements are set at each of the assessment judgements colours, and then uses the respective weightings to calculate the overall percentage coverage of the content within that markbook.
For a subject at P4, the total number of statements in the markbook is 16. A pupil has:
- 5 green ‘met’ judgements each weighted 0.9
- 2 yellow ‘almost’ judgements weighted 0.5
- 2 red ‘target’ judgements weighted 0
- 7 statements 'unassessed' weighted 0.
And no judgements above P4.
(5 x 0.9) + (2 x 0.5) + (2 x 0) + (2 x 0) / 16 = 0.344 = 34% of P4
These percentages are for teacher reference and tracking purposes only and end of key stage judgements should be made in terms of full P-Scales.
Please log a support ticket if you would like to request activation of this framework.