The government have made updates to the Teacher Assessment Frameworks for end of key stage teacher assessment in England for 2018/19 (see documents for end of KS1 and end of KS2).

The key changes involved:

  • New pre-key stage statements for KS1 and KS2 in all assessed subjects to replace the interim statements and P5-P8. (P1-P4 to continue to be used for pupils not engaged in subject-specific learning)
  • At the end of key stage 2, reading and maths teacher assessments are only required for pupils who are working below the level of the tests

What changes have been made in Classroom Monitor?

Due to the large scale changes, a new curriculum has been added to Classroom Monitor. It is called "Statutory Teacher Assessment Frameworks 1819". You will find subjects for both key stage 1 and key stage 2 assessments in this curriculum.

All existing data, in markbooks and tracking, can still be accessed and has not been changed. You will find this in the curriculum "Statutory Teacher Assessment Frameworks (pre 1819)". This has been retained so that you can access legacy data but should not be used for any official teacher assessments in the 18/19 academic year.

How do I access the updated Teacher Assessment Frameworks in Classroom Monitor?

You can access the frameworks via:

  • The Markbook- both the new and legacy markbooks
  • Classroom Monitor app
  • Pupil and group tracking (for entering scores only)


From the markbook menu screen, you should select the group you require and the 'Statutory Teacher Assessment Framework 1819' curriculum.

You can then select one or more subjects:

  • KS1 English Reading, KS1 English Writing, KS1 Mathematics and KS1 Science
  • KS2 English Writing, KS2 Science, KS1 Mathematics (pre-KS only), KS1 Science (pre-KS only)

When you select your subject, the relevant ability levels will appear, including any relevant pre-key stage standards.

Please note that in KS2 reading and maths you will only find pre-KS standards. This is because there is no longer a requirement to submit teacher assessment for pupils who are working at the level of the KS2 test so the criteria have been abolished.

How should I record statutory assessment for pupils working below the level of the tests?

For end of key stage teacher assessment, the government have stated that any pupils who are engaged in subject specific study must be assessed using the pre-KS standards. You will find these within the Statutory Teacher Assessment Framework 1819 within the relevant subjects in Classroom Monitor. You will find that Standards 1-4 appear for each subject for KS1 subjects and Standards 1-6 for KS2 subjects as specified in the framework documents. 

The governnment guidance states that "P scales 1 to 4 must continue to be used for statutory assessment of pupils not engaged in subject-specific study at the end of key stage 2". If you would like access to a PScales curriculum in you account, please let us know and we can activate this for you.

How do the Teacher Assessment Framework markbooks work?

When you load one of these markbooks, you will see the relevant statements and be able to record a judgement against each objective for each selected pupil.

You can set them to:

  • Red - N (Not Met) - carries no weight to the score and is only recorded for your own reference.
  • Yellow - P (Partially Met)- carries no weight to the score but can be used to show a pupil is making some progress to the statement for your own reference.
  • Green- M (Met)- each green has a weight of 1 and will be used to calculate the pupil's score. 


When you save a markbook, a percentage score will be calculated which can be viewed in the pupil tracking area.The score shown for each child will be the percentage they have in the highest band where they have green assessments recorded.

Can I add evidence?

You can add evidence against each child and criteria. You can do this via the app or via the web markbook by selecting 'Evidence mode. 


You may want to record images of work or upload documents as evidence, or you could simply write a note about where the evidence can be found e.g. "in the books 19th Sept"

You don't need to record your evidence in Classroom Monitor, but there are advantages to doing this:

  • It keeps all of your evidence records in one, easily accessible place
  • You can store a single piece of evidence for one child for one statement, for multiple children for the same statement, or for one or more children for multiple statements
  • It can provide exemplification for internal moderation in the future.
  • You could use a Learning Journey to output this evidence. This means you could give a moderator the books and also a list of where to find evidence for each relevant child, or the teacher at least can quickly see which pages of the book need photocopying for the moderator, if preferred.

Visit our Evidence of Learning help page for general guidance on recording and viewing evidence in Classroom Monitor.

Do I need to assess in both the Teacher Assessment Frameworks and my school's usual framework?

The government has made it clear that the intention of these frameworks is for recording teacher assessment at the end of key stages rather than to be used for ongoing tracking purposes. They are designed to record a summative judgement, in much the same way as the EYFS Profile at the end of the Early Years. It is also worth bearing in mind that the KS1 frameworks are designed to cover knowledge and skills for years 1 and 2 rather than being a specific framework for year 2 and the KS2 frameworks are designed to cover years 3-6 rather than being a specific framework for assessing year 6 pupils.

Many of our schools choose to plan and teach using the same assessment framework as the rest of the school for most of the year. This ensures curriculum coverage and progression expected by pupils in these end of key stage years. It also means that schools covering more than one key stage don't have a 'gap' in data for years 2 and 6 and it is easier to plan for and track progression.

It is difficult to directly link between other assessment frameworks and the Statutory frameworks as these statements can be so broad. Using a pupil assessment summary from your main assessment framework can help to speed up the process of recording into the Teacher Assessment Frameworks.

Will I be able to analyse data from these assessments and output results?

You will be able to analyse the results and output using the tools in pupil and group tracking.