Reports can be previewed by clicking the 'Preview Report' button at the top of the Edit Report screen.

When you press this button, you will be presented with the options shown above.

  • 'Include Target Headings': Tick this if you would like targets to be highlighted with a 'Targets' heading. This is useful if your report template doesn't have a separate area for targets
  • 'Set Target Headings to be bold: Tick this option to place any target headings in bold font.
  • I am using Word 2002 or earlier: Tick this option if you are using an older version of Microsoft Word. When you select this, Classroom Monitor creates an output that you will be able to view on your computer.
  • Select Target: If you have attainment targets in your report template (e.g 6 Sec by the end of year 6) you should select the correct target from the dropdown list.

When you press the 'Preview' button, comments and the other information included in your report template will open in a Word document.

N.B. Report previews will have the watermark 'Report Preview' and will be locked for editing. If you unlock the Word document and make changes to it, these changes will not save back into the Classroom Monitor website.

Related Links:
Written Reports
Written report setup

Adding Statements from the New Markbook
Adding Statements from the Markbook
Using the statement banks
Generating Reports
Bespoke report templates