The Characteristics of Effective Learning are part of the 'Development Matters' document used by many teachers to assess children in the Early Years. By default, the Characteristics of Effective Learning are only included as subjects for reporting in the EYFS framework in Classroom Monitor. Statements for these subjects have not been included as the nature of them doesn't lend themselves to tracking progress in the same way as the areas of learning. However, a number of schools have told us that they want to be able to tag evidence to these statements. Schools can easily add these 9 statements if they choose using the instructions below.

Step 1: Add a Dedicated Ability Level to the Existing Subjects

1. Login as the admin user

2. Select Customisation > Customise Classroom Monitor for your School > Customise School Curriculum.
NB If you do not see this option, the curriculum customisation tool is not yet activated in your account. Please 
contact us to activate. It is already included in many school's subscriptions but if it isn't we can let you know how much this option would cost for your school.

3. From the Curriculum dropdown in the the top left hand corner, select 'Early Years Foundation Stage and press 'Search'.

4. Scroll to page 3 of the results where you will find the relevant subjects.

5. Press the 'Edit button' in any of the highlighted subjects' rows.

6. Click the 'Edit' button in the top right hand corner and press 'Abilities'

7. Press the blue 'Create a New Ability' button.

9. Press the green 'Create Ability' button in the bottom right hand corner

10. In the pop up box, select 'This subject and all related parent/children', then click the 'Yes, Create' button. This will add the ability to all Characteristics of Learning subjects.

Step 2: Add Statements

1. Open a document containing the statements e.g. the Development Matters document.

2. Click the 'Subject Search' button in the Classroom Monitor window to return to the subject search screen.

3. Return to page 3 and find the subjects.

4. Press the 'Edit' button on the subject that you want to add statements to first.

5. Press the blue 'Edit' button in the top right hand corner and select 'Objectives'.

6. Press the blue 'Create Objective' button.

7. Copy the first statement from your document and paste it into the 'Markbook Objective' box.

8. Press the green 'Create Objective' button.

9. Continue adding all objectives this subject.

10. Repeat steps 2-9 for the other subjects.

Step 3a: Tag Evidence via the App

When you use the Classroom Monitor app you will know find that statements are now available for these subjects and both new and existing evidence can be tagged with relevant statements by selecting the appropriate subjects and ability level. You will be able to easily tag evidence with statements from the Characteristics of Learning at the same time as statements from other areas of learning.

Step 3b: Attach Evidence via Your Browser

 Evidence can be attached and/or edited via the Pupil Markbook or the Class Markbook

In the class markbook, you can load one subject at a time for attaching evidence.

In the pupil markbook, you can load more than one of the Characteristics of Learning subjects but not any other areas of learning as these are within different ability levels.