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You may have noticed two menus at the bottom of the Class Markbook menu screen. These allow you to re-order pupils and objectives in your Class Markbook.

You can choose to order pupils by Name, Age or Attainment and order objectives by Curriculum or by Attainment. Both of these options can prove very useful for planning purposes.

Pupil Ordering

  • Ordering by Name orders the pupils in alphabetical order (based on pupil surname) from left to right. This is the default setting.
  • Ordering by Age orders the pupils with the oldest to the left hand side and youngest to the right hand side of the markbook. This option is excellent for split-year classes.
  • Ordering by Attainment places the higher attainers for the subject being viewed on the markbook to the left hand side. This is a useful option to highlight stronger and weaker pupils in the class.

Objective Ordering

  • Ordering by curriculum displays the objectives in the original order that they are displayed in the currciulum documentation. This is the default setting.
  • Ordering by attainment displays the objective which has been met (green), or almost met (yellow) by the highest number of pupils in the class at the top of the markbook. Objectives which have been met by the fewest pupils in the class, or none at all are placed at the bottom of the markbook. This option is excellent for highlighting strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum for informing lesson planning.

Using the markbook with both Pupils and Objectives ordered by attainment will highlight pupil strengths and weaknesses and curriculum strengths and weaknesses at the same time. This is a great way to work to support Assessment for Learning!

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