Coverage and Structure

The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework in Classroom Monitor gives coverage of the Early Years Outcomes document (formerly Development Matters). It can also be used to complete the EYFS profile.

Statements are provided for each age/stage of learning in each area of learning for teachers to be able to record their judgements using the markbook and/or the Classroom Monitor app.

Markbooks from Birth to ELG

The markbooks from birth to ELG are designed for practitioners to be able to record their judgements for the purpose of formative assessment. These judgements are recorded using a traffic light system to reflect each child's attainment of each statement.

The assessment that is recorded is used to calculate an indicative "score" for each area of learning that can be used for tracking purposes if required. Each colour carries a different meaning and each carries a different weighting forward to the calculation of the overall assessment score.

The default terminology and weighting is shown in this image. Settings can choose whether or not they want to have the red T hexagon enabled.

When the markbooks are saved, a percentage is calculated for that area of learning. This is then converted into a score based on the thresholds that are set for your school.

To calculate the overall score for an area of learning, Classroom Monitor checks the total number of statements within the stage, checks how many statements are set at each of the assessment judgements colours, and then uses the respective weightings to calculate the overall percentage coverage of the content within that markbook.

The default thresholds used for generating a score are:

  • Beginning: 25-49%
  • Developing: 50-89%
  • Secure: 90-100%

If a child has below 25% coverage in a particular stage of markbook, Classroom Monitor will attempt to generate a score from the stage below.

The exception to this is the ELG ability band which overrides the percentage thresholds. In this ability level only, a yellow will always give a score of ELG Em and a green a score of ELG Exp. A score of ELG Exc must be selected manually.

For ‘Expressive Arts and Design – Being Imaginative’ at 40-60 months, the total number of statements in the markbook is 6. A child has:

  • 3 green ‘met’ hexagon judgements each weighted 0.9
  • 2 yellow ‘almost’ hexagon judgements weighted 0.5
  • 1 red ‘target’ hexagons, and the remaining 9 statements currently unassessed all counting as 0. 

((3 x 0.9) + (2 x 0.5) + (1 x 0)) / 6 = 0.617 = 61.7% coverage 
Based on the threshold percentages, this pupil is currently at 40-60 Developing 

*Please note that all terminology, thresholds and weightings can be customised by your school as required. Please read 
these pages on customising Classroom Monitor to find out more about these options and the impact they will have. 

EYFS Profile Markbook

The EYFS Profile markbook is intended to provide early years professionals with a method of recording their EYFS profile judgements in the summer term of Reception. Please note that the EYFS Profile markbook is only accessible via Assessment Markbooks > Class Markbook and information recorded here will not be transferred across to attainment and progress.

Pupils' attainment is recorded as Emerging, Expected or Exceeding in each of the Early Learning Goals (ELGs). Once a pupil has a judgement recorded for every ELG, when the markbook is saved a total score will be calculated using the key in the image below.

The score is given out of 51 and will appear below the pupil's name in the markbook as shown in the image below. Once scores have been calculated they can be exported as a CTF for submitting to the LA.

As we saw above, it is possible to record against the ELGs without being in the EYFS profile markbook. This is to allow practitioners to assess children when they feel they have gone beyond the expectations laid out in the 40-60 band if they choose. These can then be imported into the EYFS profile markbook as a starting point for completing the profile.

Extra Information

Hovering over a statement in the markbooks will provide a pop-up from which the assessment statements can be copied and pasted for use in lesson planning. If you are looking at an ELG, you will also find the "Exceeding" statement here.

Good Level of Development (GLD): A GLD value of 'yes' or 'no' is calculated for all pupils on a daily basis and this is viewable in the Attainment and Progress area. This uses data recorded in the EYFS profile markbook: if the pupil has achieved at least the expected level in the early learning goals in the prime areas of learning and in the specific areas of mathematics and literacy their value will be 'Yes' otherwise it will be 'No'.

Characteristics of Effective Learning: The statements for the Characteristics of Learning are not included as markbooks as they are over-arching statements which don't lend themselves to tracking in a markbook format. However, the subject and statements are available so that they can be used for 
report writing. You will find them in the Statement Bank. If you want to be able to record assessments for these in a markbook, you can add the statements that you need via the customisation tool.

Complementary Products

  • 2Build a Profile users can synchronise their data with their Early Years markbooks in Classroom Monitor. Find out more about our partnership with 2Simple here.