Subject Coverage and Structure
With the Rising Stars Progression Frameworks in Classroom Monitor you have coverage for Core and Foundation subjects through KS1 and KS2. We have also added curriculum statements for KS3 to support all-through, middle and Secondary SEN schools who may have pupils accessing this stage of work.
Overall Assessment Outcomes - Terminology and Thresholds*
Pupils’ overall scores move through 6 ‘steps’ for each stage of work. The steps are termed beginning, beginning plus, developing, developing plus, secure and exceeding. For core subjects this is 6 steps each year. For foundation subject this is spread over 2 years. Secure is the equivalent of the Age Related Expectation.
The pupil’s overall score is calculated based on their coverage of the curriculum content within each markbook (year or phase). Details of the thresholds for these scores can be seen in the example table below.
Coverage is determined by teacher assessment added to the hexagons in the markbooks, for each subject/strand, and the respective weightings for each.
Markbook Terminology and Weightings*
The markbook uses a traffic light system to reflect each pupil's level of attainment of each statement. Each colour carries a different meaning and each carries a different weighting forward to the calculation of the overall assessment outcome. The default terminology and weighting for Rising Stars Progression Frameworks is shown in the image below.
*Please note that while the weightings have been built to reflect the Rising Stars Progression Frameworks there is the possibility of customising them for your school if required. Please read these pages on customising Classroom Monitor to find out more about these options and the impact they will have.
The Calculation Explained
To calculate the overall score, Classroom Monitor checks the total number of statements within that year or phase of study, checks how many statements are set at each of the assessment judgements (hexagon colours), and then uses the respective weightings to calculate the overall percentage coverage of the content within that markbook.
For ‘Maths – Number’ at Stage 1, the total number of objectives in the markbook is 19. A pupil has:
- 1 blue ‘exceeding’ hexagon judgements each weighted 1,
- 5 green ‘met’ hexagon judgements each weighted 0.9
- 2 yellow ‘almost’ hexagon judgements weighted 0.5
- 2 red ‘target’ hexagons, and the remaining 9 statements currently unassessed all counting as 0.
The Calculation
(1 x 1) + (5 x 0.9) + (2 x 0.5) / 19 = 0.342 = 34.2% coverage
Based on the threshold percentages for Maths Number at Year 1 this pupil is a 1 Beg+
Why choose the Rising Stars Progression Frameworks?
“The Rising Stars Progression Frameworks were developed by curriculum and assessment experts to offer credible and robust approaches to embedding assessment of the new National Curriculum”
- Progression statements are provided for each year group, covering all the expectations of the Programmes of Study for English, mathematics, science, computing, geography and history.
- Each progression statement is accompanied by ‘what to look for’ guidance to aid evaluation of progress against the statement and to identify the next steps in learning.
- Links to the many complimentary products available from Rising Stars.
Rising Stars Complementary Products
Alongside the Rising Stars Progression Frameworks, Rising Stars have a fantastic range of products and resources which schools can use to support their assessment needs. These may complement the use of the Rising Stars Progression Frameworks within Classroom Monitor, as well as providing benefits as standalone resources.
For more information on the Rising Stars complementary products and to find links to each, please CLICK HERE.
Extra Information
Hovering over the progression statements in the Markbooks will provide a pop-up where you can find some guidance in making your assessment judgements.