The reset password process for parents is almost identical to the way in which teachers can reset their password. If a parent forgets their password, they can set a new one by following the steps below:

1. Click on the link next to 'Having trouble logging in?' on the Classroom Monitor parent login page.

2. Enter the email address associated to the parent account. If the parent is unsure of the correct email address to use the school will be able to confirm this information, by checking the 'Parents' section in the admin account.

3. Press the 'Send reset password link' button.

4. Parent will need to check their inbox for receipt of an email from Classroom Monitor.

5. Follow the instructions in the email and click on the link. NB The link can only be used once and will expire after a period of 24 hours. 

6. Create a new password. The new password must be between 8-20 characters and include at least one number.

7. Return to the Classroom Monitor parent login page and enter the email address and newly created password.

8. Login

If parents require any further support they should contact their child's school.

For data protection reasons, Classroom Monitor cannot support parents directly.