Looking for the Classroom Monitor 2018 Markbook Help Pages?

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Evidence can be attached to the markbooks in the form of photos, videos, sound recordings or other files to support assessment judgments. Uploaded evidence can also be shared online with parents, helping them to engage them in their child’s learning.

Files can be added to an individual's assessment record for one assessment criteria by right clicking in the relevant hexagon and selecting 'Evidence and Resources -> Add'.

Once you have selected 'Add', the 'Evidence & Teaching Resources' screen will appear.

The Evidence type will automatically be selected as 'Notes'. Click on the drop down menu and select the evidence type you wish to upload. The options available are: Photo, Document, Lesson Plan, Internet Link, Video and Sound Recording.

Recorded Date will default to today's date. If you want to change this, you should click on the calendar icon.

Once you have chosen your evidence type, click on 'Browse' to upload your file/document.

Once this is done, you should click on 'save' then 'return to markbook'.

A magnifying glass icon will appear in the markbook on the relevant hexagon to show evidence has been attached.

Evidence can also be added to multiple pupils and / or multiple assessment criteria at the same time. You can do this using any of the selection tools described on the speeding up assessment help page. For example, to add a piece of evidence to an assessment for more than one child, you could hold down the ctrl key and select the pupils you would like to add the evidence to. Once you have made your selection release the ctrl key and the menu box will appear. You would continue to add the evidence as described above but this time, the same evidence would be added to all of the selected children and / or objectives.

To view the evidence, right click on the icon and select 'Evidence and Resources' then 'View/Edit'. All evidence attached will be displayed on the screen in a list.

TOP TIP: All file uploads are limited to 40 mb. This will be enough for all photos but may restrict videos to around 20 seconds.

To view this help as a video, please click here.

Related Links:
Adding notes as evidence
Adding pupil-level evidence
Removing evidence
Classroom Monitor app