The Attainment and Progress Reports have been designed to give you quick access to data that is easy to interpret and share. SLT members set expectations for attainment and progress and scores generated from markbook data are automatically classified accordingly.

Teachers can focus on their use of the markbook for recording formative assessment to inform teaching and learning, and this is then turned into sharable data with minimal effort required.

For many schools, these reports will preclude the need for using manual 'on track' judgements.

However, some schools may feel that they still want to have a manual 'on track' judgement. This may be because they are looking at other subjects which aren't yet included in these reports or they want to add a judgement which 'triangulates' data from multiple sources, for example they want to use data from the markbooks and tests to inform a judgement. If you want to add manual 'on track' judgements in your school, please follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Create dedicated subjects

1. Login as the admin user.

2. Select Customisation > Customise Classroom Monitor for your School > Customise School Curriculum.

NB If you do not see this option, the curriculum customisation tool is not yet activated in your account. Please contact us to activate. It is already included in many school's subscriptions but if it isn't we can let you know how much this option would cost for your school.

4. In the pop up select 'Create a new curriculum and then subjects' and press 'Continue'

5. Enter a name for the curriculum e.g. summative judgements

6. Press 'Create Curriculum'

7. You will see a blank subject details page similar to the one shown on the left. Enter subject name e.g. reading judgements, writing judgements or maths judgements

8. Press the 'Create subject' button in the bottom right hand corner.

9. From the pop-up, choose 'Create & Add Another' then repeat steps 7 and 8 for all of the subjects that you require.

10. Click 'Add Abilities' in the bottom right.

11. Click the blue 'Create a New Ability' button on the right hand side towards the top.

12. On the screen shown in the image on the right, type ability name

13. Add the labels that you want to use into boxes down the left hand side.

You can use between 1 and 6 labels and whichever terminology that you want to use. e.g. 'Not at ARE' and 'At ARE', 'Below track', 'On track', 'Above Track' or the example shown in the image. They should work from lowest to highest.

14. Assign a points value to each label.

This is only to make graphs work and whole numbers in ascending order should be adequate for most people.

15. Press the green 'Create Ability' button.

16. In the pop up box, select 'All subjects in this curriculum', then click the 'Yes, Create' button. This will add the ability to all subjects in the curriculum.

Step 2: Enter Judgements

1. Users should login to their teacher / SLT account

2. Attainment and Progress > Pupil Tracking

3. Click the orange 'Choose Pupils/Subjects/Timeframe' button
NB If you are unfamiliar with loading a table, more guidance can be found 

4. In 'Select pupils', select the pupils that you want to enter judgements for

5. In 'Select subjects', first select a curriculum that you want to use to look at when making your judgement (e.g. Rising Stars Progression Framework or National Curriculum 2000) and a subject in that curriculum (e.g. reading) NB You could choose more than one here if necessary e.g. a test subject.

6. Then, select the 'judgement' curriculum and the relevant subject in that curriculum e.g. reading judgement

7. In 'Select Timeframe', select a single date. Clicking 'Choose from below' will allow you to select any date that you choose.

8. Press 'Generate table'

9. Press the 'TA' link (circled) at the top of the source data column to put scores in ascending order. This will make recording your judgements quicker.

10. Select judgement for each pupil from the drop down. These will save automatically

11. Repeat for any other curriculum subjects and dates that you choose. NB if judgements are entered as TA they will carry forward to later dates. This will make recording easier as you sort by the source data column and then just change the pupils that are required.

NB You may want to consider changing the setup of your homepage favourites to reflect your new 'judgements' curriculum. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.

Step 3: Analyse The Data

Compare Cohort Achievement On Different Dates

1. Attainment and Progress > Group Tracking

2. Click 'Choose pupils/Subjects/Timeframe': Select pupils, judgement subject, first date

3. Press 'Multiple Selections' button (circled in image below)

4. In 'Select timeframe', change date to second date.

5. Press the multiple selections button again.

6. Press 'Generate Table'

This example compares attainment for a cohort in Jul14 (KS1 results) with their current attainment. It is easy to see that there are now a higher proportion of pupils 'At' expectations although fewer at 'Greater Depth'.

Generate a Progress Matrix

1. Attainment and Progress > Pupil Tracking

2. Select your group, a subject and the date you want to use as the start date then press 'Generate Table'

3. Press the 'Analysis Filters' button

4. Click in the 'Filter Attainment on most recent date selected' box and select the lowest score

5. Tick the tick box below to designate the subject then 'Generate Table'

6. Only the pupils with the selected score will be shown in the table and you can press 'Create group' and name them.

7. Press 'Analysis Filters' then 'Clear Filters

8. Repeat steps 3-7 for each group

9. Move to 'Group Tracking'

10. Open Select Pupils, subjects and timeframe and press 'Clear Selections'

11. Select the first group, the subject and leave now as the date

12. Press the 'multiple selections' button and rename the selection so that it makes sense.

13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for each group.

14. Press generate table.

15. The group attainment table will look something like this:

16. Save as a favourite so that you can easily load this table again

17. Press the Excel icon above the table and choose to export with names to get a progress matrix with pupil names.

Related Links:
Attainment and Progress Reports
Blog: Ofsted Myths