You must be logged in as an admin user to export assessment data as a CTF.

What Is a CTF?

Common Transfer Files (CTFs) containing statutory assessment data for submission to your Local Authority can be exported from Classroom Monitor. The CTFs exported from Classroom Monitor are partial CTF files so MUST be imported into your MIS for verification and to complete pupil information.

What Data Will The KS1 CTF Contain?

The KS1 CTF exports teacher assessment recorded in the Statutory Teacher Assessment Framework 1819. In Classroom Monitor, there are two ways of entering assessment for the TAF. You need to be logged in to an SLT/teacher account to enter or edit scores:

Record assessment against TAF statements in a Pupil or Class Markbook:
Select the curriculum Statutory Teacher Assessment Framework, then the subject(s) and stage(s) that you want to assess against. Saving assessments will generate a % of the stage (e.g. 78% of EXS) or a code if the stage is completed (e.g. EXS). NB if a pupil has not been recorded as having completed a stage, the stage below will be exported e.g. If they have a score of 83% of EXS then it will be assumed they have not met EXS so their score will be recorded in the CTF as the stage below i.e. WTS.

OR Enter codes manually in pupil tracking:
Select the Statutory Teacher Assessment Framework, then the subject(s) and stage(s) that you want to record scores for. You can then enter the relevant codes or edit the ones that have been generated from the markbook. NB you should enter scores as TA (Teacher assessment) as scores entered as SA (Summative Assessment) will NOT be exported into a CTF file.

How Do I Export a CTF File?

1. Login as the school admin user.

2. Select Data Management and Export CTF.

3. Select Key Stage Select the type of CTF export you want. NB You can only export one key stage at a time

4. Select Year Group

5. Select the pupils that you want to include in the CTF file. Select them all by ticking the box next to 'Name' or select the specific children you require by ticking the boxes next to their names.

6. Click 'Export'.

7. A zip file will be downloaded. This contains the CTF and may also contain a file called 'CTF_Error_List.txt'. This file will list any errors or queries that you may want to address before exporting the file again.

8. When you have resolved any errors, open the location the zipped folder is saved in and right click on the 'CTF Export' zipped folder and 'Extract All'. A new folder will appear in the same location as you saved the zipped folder - this folder contains your CTF file.

9. Follow instructions from your MIS regarding importing CTF files
NB To successfully import into SIMS, the file name will need to be changed from xxxxxxx_CTF_xxxxxxx to xxxxxxx_KS1_xxxxxxx 

10. Verify the data that has been imported and add any missing information.

Related Links:
EYFS Profile CTF
Phonics CTF
KS2 Teacher Assessment CTF
Admin Account
Recording assessment scores
The Markbook