The Assessment Terminology admin page allows users to control the terminology, weightings and thresholds in the Rising Stars Progression Framework. To alter any other framework, follow the instructions on the Changing Scoring Thresholds help page.

To view the assessment terminology currently being used in Classroom Monitor, you should login as Administrator and access the Curriculum Settings > Assessment Terminology.

Markbook Assessment Settings

Although many things are customisable, the Default panel on the left always represents the recommended settings for the curriculum. To change from the default settings, you should click on the Custom panel to the right and make your changes.

  • Assessment Character: You can type up to 4 characters in each coloured box to change what will appear on each colour of markbook hexagon.
  • Assessment Weight: You can change the impact that each type of assessment judgement will have on a pupil's overall score in each subject. You should make sure that you fully understand how scores are calculated before you make any changes. Click here for a detailed explanation of how scores are calculated. A number between 0 and 1 needs to be assigned to each colour.
  • Assessment Description: This is the longer version of the assessment character that appears in the right click menu.
  • 5th assessment character: Blue hexagons can be switched off for your school by clicking in the Exceeding tick box.

Summative Tracking System

You can change the name of your summative scores by clicking in the box and typing on alternative. The default in RSPF is 'Stage', but some schools have changed this to something they prefer e.g. Year.

You can choose to have 3 or 6 steps in each 'stage' by clicking on the relevant panel. You can also change the name of each step by typing in the relevant box. You can use up to 4 characters for each of them.

Scoring Thresholds

Scoring thresholds are used when Classroom Monitor calculates an automatic score from the amount of assessment present on a markbook.

For a detailed explanation of the scoring in Classroom Monitor, click here.

You can control your scoring thresholds by typing in the boxes shown here:

3 step scores: Each Score Threshold will trigger the step labels that you have. You can type the percentages that you require into the three text boxes.

  • The Low Score Threshold triggers the low step (e.g. Beg) and must be set between 5 and 50
  • The Medium Score Threshold triggers the middle step (e.g. Dev) and must be set between 20 and 80
  • The High Score Threshold triggers the high step (e.g. Sec) and must be set between 50 and 95.

6 step scores: These work in the same way as the 3 step scores. In addition you have a Medium Low Score Threshold (e.g. Beg+), a Medium High Score Threshold (e.g. Dev+) and a High High Score Threshold (e.g. Exc). These are automatically calculated for you based on the numbers you have entered in the text boxes and will be the appropriate midpoint.

You must press the save button in the bottom right hand corner to save your changes. It is important to note that any changes made to the summative tracking system will only start to apply from the point that it was changed. When assessments are saved from this point onwards, the new scoring system will be applied. To force these changes, users can press the Adjust Scores button in relevant markbooks.

Related Links:
Scoring Explained
Changing Scoring Thresholds
Class Markbook
Pupil Markbook
Pupil Tracking
Group Tracking