The Class Report is designed to give you more information about attainment and progress for any group that is assigned to you as a user in Classroom Monitor. This might include your class, your sets or intervention groups or in-class ability groups.

It is designed to be particularly useful to help the class teacher's understanding of attainment and progress in their class and there are specific features which make them particularly useful for pupil progress meetings.

NB Your school's Classroom Monitor admin user should check the related 
school settings before these reports can be used effectively.

Generating the Class Report

Report Type: Select 'Class Report' from the menu.

Report Date: This defaults to the current month but allows you to select any month in the current academic year.

Subject: Select the subject or subjects that you want to look at 

Group: Select the group that you want to focus on. This will contain all groups that are assigned to you in Classroom Monitor.

Class Report Matrix

The intention of the matrix is to show a visual representation of your pupils and their attainment and progress from the end of the previous academic year (left hand side) to the current month across the top. If you have selected more than one subject, each subject will be shown in a separate matrix.

On both dates, all of the relevant scores will be shown, with any that are outside of the ability range set for that year group placed in an above or below group as relevant.

From this matrix it is easy to identify which pupils you would determine to be at age related expectations. You can also determine which boxes represent 'expected' progress, so you can identify who is above and below expected progress.

Focusing on individual pupils

Once you have identified which children need to be targeted or investigated further, you can drill down into a relevant Attainment Summary or Attainment Progress Report.

  • Click on an individual pupil names to access their Pupil Assessment Summary for the selected timeframe and subject, which shows their attainment at an objective level. There is a 'Progress' button at the top which allows you to move into the relevant Assessment Progress Report, which shows their progress at an objective level.
  • Click in the box at the top to select a number of pupils. Then you can press the 'Export pupils to PDF' button where you will be given the option to Export and Assessment Summary or a Progress Summary.

Related Links:
Attainment and Progress Reports
School Overview Report (SLT users)
Year Group Overview Report (SLT users)
Class Group Overview Report (All users)
Attainment and Progress Report Settings (Admin)
Expectations Settings (SLT users)