The year group overview report gives you an overview of the current attainment and progress situation in a year group. The overall year group is shown along with some key sub-groups which are fixed for all schools (UAE will see region-appropriate sub-groups). It is designed to be an easily digestible report that can be used for school improvement and for sharing with interested parties such as governors, your MAT or an inspection team. NB It is only available to users in the school who have been designated as SLT.

NB Your school's Classroom Monitor admin user should check the related 
school settings before these reports can be used effectively.

Generating the Year Group overview

Report Type: Select 'Year Group Overview' from the menu.

Report Date: This defaults to the current month but allows you to select any month in the current academic year.

Table Type: There are three tables available in the School Overview:

  • Attainment: For an overview of current attainment in Maths, Reading, Writing and in all three subjects combined
  • Progress Point to Point: For a summary of progress in the last 12 months
  • Progress Raw data: Shows the number of points progress made since the start of the academic year

These are all loaded by default but you can remove any that you don't need by clicking the crosses.

Report Year Group: Select the year group that you want to focus on

Attainment Ranges and Progress Settings: These appear below the buttons. You will need to either set or check the settings that will be used in the data reports. These govern how attainment scores and progress are classified as Significantly Below, Below, At, Above and Significantly Above in your reports. Visit the Expectations Settings page to find out more about this area. 

Your tables will appear along with a key at the bottom to show the attainment ranges and progress settings that have been used to generate the report.

Press 'Load Report' to view the report in your browser. Press 'Export to PDF' to generate a document that is suitable for printing. Press 'Clear' to clear all selections from the menus above.

Attainment Table

The attainment table has a row for each sub-group in the selected year group. The number of pupils in each attainment category are shown for each subject as a number of pupils with the percentage in brackets.

The combined section has two columns. A pupil will be included in the 'Working AT or Above' column if their attainment is 'At', 'Above' or 'Sig. Above' in all three subjects. If they are working 'Sig Below' or 'Below' in any of the three subjects they will be classed as 'Not Working AT'. Pupils who are missing an attainment score in one or more of the subjects will appear in the 'Not Working At' column.

Progress Point to Point

This table shows a classification of progress in the last 12 months. So for example, if the current month is April 2018, progress will be shown from April 2017. The number of pupils in each progress category are shown for each subject as a number of pupils with the percentage in brackets.

Pupils will only be included in the table if they have a score in the subject in the start and the end month. If any pupils have been excluded from the table, you will be informed in a message below the table. To include these pupils in the table, scores will have to be entered in the relevant date(s) in group tracking.

Progress Raw data

This table is for schools who want to view their progress in points. Progress is always measured for the start of the current academic year to the current month. A breakdown for each subject is shown for each sub-group.

Pupils will only be included in the table if they have a score in the subject in the start and the end month. If any pupils have been excluded from the table, you will be informed in a message below the table. To include these pupils in the table, scores will have to be entered in the relevant date(s) in group tracking.

If you are unsure about using points, you can find out more on our Points Progress help page.

Related Links:
Attainment and Progress Reports
School Overview Report (SLT users)
Class Group Overview Report (All users)
Class Report (All users)
Attainment and Progress Report Settings (Admin)
Expectations Settings (SLT users)