This page assumes that you already understand the basics of how to generate a table/graph. Here, you will be introduced to the options that are available under the 'Pupil Filters' section within 'Select Pupils'. These allow you to filter the pupils you have already selected based on the characteristics that you choose. These filters use information taken from your MIS so a field will only appear if it is present in your MIS. The options within each field will be those that are available within your MIS and only those that apply to the selected children will be shown.

Possible Filters

As mentioned above, the filters and options available are generally based on what is in your MIS via a sync or what has been imported into Classroom Monitor via a pupil import.

The filters and options that may be available to you are:

  • Pupil Premium: All (default), Yes, No
  • Ever 6: Ever 6 is all pupils who are recorded in your MIS who have been recorded as eligible for free school meals in any of the last six years. The options are: All (default), Yes, No
  • Looked After: All (default), Yes, No
  • Entry Term*: These will be given as term and year e.g. Autumn 2011.
  • Term Born*: These will be given as term and year e.g. Spring 2007.
  • SEN Provision*: Fields taken from your MIS which show different levels of Special Educational Needs provision.
  • SEN Type*: Fields taken from your MIS which show different Special Educational Needs types.
  • First Language*: Fields taken from your MIS
  • Ethnicity*: Fields taken from your MIS
  • FSM: Uses a child's free school meal status as specified in your MIS. The options are: All (default), Yes, No
  • Gender: All (default), Male, Female

If you do not use any pupil filters, all pupils selected previously will be appear in the graph/table.

Selecting Pupils With More Than One Characteristic

It is possible to combine more than one field if you choose. If you do this, 'AND' logic will be used. For example, If I select FSM-yes and Gender-Male, only boys who have free school meals will be displayed.
NB the only combination that varies from this is if you select Ever 6 and Pupil Premium. In this case an 'OR' logic is used (i.e. selecting 'yes' for pupil premium and 'yes' for ever 6 will show pupils who are pupil premium as well as those who are ever 6)

Selecting Pupils Who Don't Have a Characteristic

All of the starred(*) fields have a 'Not' tickbox available for use. This allows you to specify pupils who don't have a particular characteristic. For example, if I only wanted children for who English is an additional language, I would tick the 'Not' box next to 'First Language' and choose 'English' and/or 'Believed to be English as my options.

Selecting Pupils Who Have a Characteristic Or Another

For all of the starred(*) fields, it is possible to select more than one option. If you do this, 'OR' logic will be used. For example, if I select White British and White Irish in Ethnicity, I will see all pupils who are either White Irish or White British.

Selecting Pupils Based On Prior Attainment

This can be done using the Analysis filters.

Related Links:
Analysis Filters
Comparing Groups
Creating Groups in Attainment and Progress