Every school has one admin username and password for Classroom Monitor. This account controls the settings for Classroom Monitor across the whole of your school. For this reason, access to the admin account should be limited and we recommend that one person takes control of this area. If admin responsibility does needs to be shared across a number of individuals, they will share this one login for accessing the admin settings and have their own login for adding and using assessment information.

Help pages on the different tools accessible in the admin account are linked below:

Customise school curriculum: Control how your assessment frameworks work and create new ones.

Additional Grades
: Add grades such as effort and behaviour for reporting

Report Templates: Create bespoke report outputs for your school

Pupil Management: Add or edit pupils.

User Management (Teacher / SLT Accounts)
: Add, edit and inactivate users and change their permissions and passwords.

Group Management: Create, edit and delete groups.

Transfer Pupil
: Transfer pupil data when they move between Classroom Monitor schools.

Data Management
CTF Import: Export data from your MIS to import into Classroom Monitor.

CTF Export: Export end of key stage results

Test and Assessment Importer: Import assessment data from a spreadsheet.

MIS Mapping: Check the synchronisation set up with your MIS

Pupil Importer: Import pupil and class details from a spreadsheet.

EExBA import: Import Early Excellence Baseline data into Classroom Monitor.

Attainment and Progress Reports: Control the settings for your school via Year Group Mapping and Ability to Year Group Mapping

Curriculum Settings
Assessment Terminology: Change weighting, thresholds and scoring terminology for the Rising Stars framework.

Assessment Migration: Convert NC2000 levels data to Rising Stars terminology.

Homepage Favourites: Change the settings for the homepage graphs for your school.

Reporting Sessions
Parents: Add and edit parent details for online reporting.

Reporting Sessions: Set up written and online reporting sessions.

MIS Synchronisation
Information on setting up and troubleshooting the link between your school's Management Information System and Classroom Monitor can be accessed from the 
MIS sync help page.

General functions
School Usage: Admin and SLT users can access information about usage for users in your school.

User Profile: Update account details

Change Password: Change password once logged in.

Related Frequently Asked Questions
Admin account FAQs
MIS sync FAQs
Manual setup FAQs
New Academic Year FAQs
General FAQs