For the purposes of printing tables, or conducting further analysis which is not available in Classroom Monitor, you are given the option of exporting group data to Excel. You will first need to load the pupils/subjects/timeframe that you need. You will then have two options of how to export your data:

Export Individual Tables

Above each table in the Group Tracking area you will see a button which looks like this.

Clicking on this button will allow you to export the associated table to Excel.

When you click on this button, you will be asked if you want to include pupil names in the export: Yes will give relevant pupil names alongside each piece of data, No will just export the data without pupil names and Cancel will return to the previous screen.

Once your data has been generated, you will be able to download it from your browser. You can then open it in Excel and treat it as any other Excel document.

Export an 'Assessment Pack'

When you have selected pupils/subjects/timeframe and generated a table/graph, you will see an 'Export to Excel' button in the middle section. This gives you the opportunity to create an Excel workbook with multiple sheets containing the tables and graphs that you specify.

When you click on this button, you will be given some options.

Selection Options

Your selection is shown in this section. If you have made more than one selection, you can specify which one(s) you would like to be exported.

Pupil Tracking Options

The green control bar allows you to specify the data that you want to add into your export. It mirrors the one shown in Pupil Tracking tables and you can find out more about the various options on the 
Controlling the Table help page.

You can choose to display data as Scores (e.g. 40-60 Beg, 3Dev or 4Bronze+) or Points (e.g. 24). The usefulness of these options will depend on the framework you are using.

You can then choose to generate a Simple Export. This is mostly used for when you wish to export information to send to the Local Authority or so that you can import data into another system. If you want to use any of the group tracking options, you should leave 'No' selected here.

Group Tracking Options

In this section you will find the green control bar from group tracking tables. Here, you can select the tables that you do and don't want to include. In the image below, Group Attainment, Group Characteristics and Group Progress are selected but Group Attendance is not.

You can also choose from the available Spread and Average graphs. Clicking on a graph will make it show in colour and this will then appear in your Excel workbook.

If you had a target applied before pressing the 'Export to Excel' button you will also see options regarding 'on track' tables and graphs.

If you only want a pupil table to be exported, you do not have to do anything in this section.

After you have selected your choices, click Generate Export. This will generate the Excel workbook which you will then be able to download from your browser and open. You then have full functionality within the Excel document. 

Related Links:
Pupil Tracking
Group Tracking Tables
Group Tracking Graphs