The Learning Journey is a PDF output from Classroom Monitor that is created as one document for each pupil. The Learning Journey contains photos and notes that have been attached as evidence and displays them alongside the assessments that the evidence was linked to.

Learning Journeys are really useful for Early Years, but are also brilliant for documenting exemplary pieces of work that pupils have been captured by pupils work in the higher years of school.

Follow the steps below to generate a Learning Journey.

1. From the homepage, select Markbooks > Assessment Summaries

2. Select Pupils:
- Open the cohort dropdown to see the groups you have access to.

- Select a class or group by clicking on it.

- Pupils can be selected and unselected using the tick boxes.

3. Select Subjects:

- Click to open 'Select Subjects' area

- Select curriculum(s)

- Select subject(s)

NB Only subjects with evidence attached will appear in the Learning Journey output regardless of selections

4. Select Timeframe:
Click to open 'Select Timeframe' area
- Select timeframe options

  • Now will select the current month and show all photos saved to this month.
  • This term will show all photos saved to months in this term
  • This year will show all photos saved to months in this academic year
  • Terms from this year isn’t usually relevant for this output

NB When you select one of these options, the relevant months will be automatically selected. 

Choose from below allows you to tick any months you want to include

5. Click 'Learning Journey' from the assessment summary outputs shown.

6. Select Options NB You may need to scroll down to see these
Tick and untick the boxes to indicate which of the options that you want to include:

  • Include assessment judgements: Choose whether to show how a child has been assessed against the statements associated with the photos (e.g. almost or met).
  • Highlight assessment colours: Only available when the first is selected, this allows you to choose to show the colour of the assessment from the markbook.
  • Include school logo: This option will appear if your school logo has been uploaded in the admin area.
  • Include ability names: This option allows you to select whether to show the ability level that each statement is from.

7. Press 'Generate' button.

NB These may take some time for the system to generate.

8. Download PDF documents by clicking on individual icons or clicking the 'Download all' button to download in a zip file.

NB If there are pupils who are missing from the list, this means that there is no evidence saved for them in the months selected.

9. Save the downloaded PDF files or print them.

NB As the learning journey is a paper document, only photos and notes will actually appear in it. All other types of evidence will show a placeholder image.

To view this help as a video, please click here.

Related Links:
Class Assessment Summary
Pupil Assessment Summary
Assessment Progress Report