The Pupil Assessment Summary allows you to print out targets and achievements recorded in the markbook for an individual pupil in multiple subjects, in a similar way to Class Assessment Summary for groups of pupils.

These are perfect for printing off to put in books or folders so that pupils can take ownership of their progress and can also be great for assisting conversations on parents' evenings. A 'My Comments' column can be included to encourage pupils to engage with the assessment for learning process.

1. From the homepage, select Markbooks > Assessment Summaries

2. Select Pupils:
- Open the cohort dropdown to see the groups you have access to. 

- Select a class or group by clicking on it. 

- Pupils can be selected and unselected using the tick boxes.

3. Select Subjects:
- Click to open 'Select Subjects' area

- Select curriculum(s)

- Select subject(s)

NB Only subjects with assessment will appear in the output regardless of selections

4. Select Timeframe:
- Click to open 'Select Timeframe' area

- Select timeframe options

  • Now will show only assessments recorded during this month.
  • This term will show only assessments recorded during this term.
  • This year  will show only assessments recorded during this academc year.
  • Terms from this year isn’t usually relevant for this output.
  • Choose from below allows you to pick any months that you want to. This will allow you to view assessment made in a particular month or set of months.

When you select one of these options, the relevant months will be automatically selected. Only assessments saved in the months selected will be shown. NB Bold dates indicate that assessment was saved in that month for one or more pupils

5. Below this, you will see the different assessment summary outputs that are available to you. Click on 'Pupil Assessment Summary'

6. Select the maximum number of each colour of assessment that you want to include. For each option, you can choose a number from 0-10 or All.

In the example shown above, I am generating a document for each pupil showing what they need to work on. As I would like them to see some of their recent achievements I have selected 3 Exceeding (blue) and 3 Met (green) objectives to show. If a pupil has more than 3, it will show the 3 most recently saved and if they have fewer than 3, fewer will be shown. Then I have set Almost (yellow) and Target (red) to All as I would like them to see everything that has been marked as this during the timeframe. Choosing '0' for any colour will mean that colour of assessment will not be shown.

7. Tick and untick the boxes to indicate which of the options that you  want to include:

  • Include "My Comments" column: Ticking this will include a column for pupils to write their own comments.
  • Highlight assessment colours: If you tick this, the boxes will be coloured the relevant colours (e.g. 'Met' will be shown in a filled green box). If this is unticked, the relevant words (e.g. Almost) will be shown in black and white. 
  • Include assessment dates: This is used to include the dates that each assessment was saved.
  • Include school logo: This option will appear if your school logo has been uploaded in the admin area.
  • Include ability names: This option allows you to select whether to show the ability level that  each statement is from.

8. Press 'Generate' button. These may take some time for the system to generate. 

9. Download individual documents by clicking the relevant icon or click the orange 'Download All' button to download in a zip file.
 NB If a pupil that you selected does not appear in the list, this will mean that they have no assessment recorded that meets the criteria that you set.

 The PDF files can then be saved on your computer or printed.

To view this help  as a video, please click here.

Related Links:
Learning Journey
Class Assessment Summary
Assessment Progress Report