You must be  logged in as a teacher/SLT member to access the Markbooks in Classroom Monitor

In some instances, teachers may find it useful to take a snapshot of a  particular Markbook for printing, saving or manipulating in some way. Some of  examples of this would be in order to keep a hard copy in a planning folder, to share information with a teaching assistant or to combine objectives from  different markbooks on one page.

It is not yet possible to print the CM2018 markbook. However, you can still export  a Class or Pupil Markbook which will contain the same information. You can  access these by choosing the Assessment Markbooks hexagon on the homepage.

1. Load the markbook that you want to save  or print.
2. Press the 'Export to Excel' button in the top left hand corner of the Class  Markbook or the top of the Pupil Markbook.

Class Markbook:

Pupil Markbook:

3. Open the  downloaded file.

4. The downloaded markbook can now be treated as any other Excel file; rows or  columns can be moved or deleted and the document can be printed or saved.

Class Markbook:

Pupil Markbook:

Related Links:
The Legacy Markbook
Pupil Markbook
Exporting Pupil Tracking to Excel
Exporting Group Tracking to Excel
Exporting Target Tracking to Excel