You must be logged in as a teacher/SLT member to access this homepage


Classroom Monitor 2018: Below the blue navigation bar, you will find a link to Classroom Monitor 2018. This is being released in phases over the coming months so please check out our CM2018 page to find out more.

The homepage gives you access to the three modules of Classroom Monitor. To access any of the modules, you should left click on the relevant hexagon on the homepage where you will be presented with more options to select from.

Assessment Markbooks: This module allows teachers to record formative assessment against the skills / outcomes / assessment criteria from an assessment framework. Please see the Assessment Markbook help pages for more information.

Attainment and Progress: This module is where you can track all your data for teacher assessment and summative assessment. Please see the Attainment and Progress help pages for more information.

Reporting to parents: This module allows schools to use the assessment recorded in Classroom Monitor report to parents. Please see the Reporting to Parents help page for more information.

On the right hand side of the page, you will see the dashboard area. This provides quick and easy access to data that you might need. Please see the Homepage Favourites help page for more information.

In the top right hand corner, you will see some links that appear on every page of Classroom Monitor:

  • Envelope icon: This takes you to the notifications area. New messages will be indicated by a red number.
  • Home: Will always bring you back to this homepage
  • Help: Gives you access to the online training centre as well as the contact details for support
  • Change password: Allows you to change your password as long as you know the current password. If you have forgotten you password, please ask your school's Classroom Monitor admin user to reset the password
  • Logout: Takes you through the logout process to keep all of your data secure

You will also see blue 'Need help?' buttons on every page which give you access to relevant pages in our Training Centre.

If you click on your name in the top right hand corner, you will access the form that you initially used to set up your account in Classroom Monitor. If any details, such as your name or email address, have changed then you can update these here.

Related Links:
Assessment Markbooks

Attainment and Progress Module
Reporting to Parents